Vulnerability of Life

Last night when I was about to sleep I received a notification regarding passing away of former External Affairs Minister Ms. Sushma Swaraj. I was shocked because while coming back from office I had read her tweet on abrogation of Article 370 and 35A and bifurcation of J&K in two UTs at around 8 PM. She had tweeted that her lifetime wish has been fulfilled while being alive and after 4 hours she left this world for forever.

The thought which popped up in my mind that moment was: Is life really so vulnerable? Was she kept alive by the god just to fulfill her lifetime wish? No one can answer these questions. Obviously, it was not a coincidence also that she tweeted a few hours before her demise. There is some universal power which controls everything and I think which prompted her to say something like this. She did not have any health issues very recently. Neither had she had any clue that it could be her last tweet of life if only she had known.
Only certain thing in life is ‘DEATH’. No one can escape from it; no matter we are a bad or good person. Our end is already written, we are just clueless about it. We live as if tomorrow is guaranteed. There are millions in this world who don’t see the next morning when they go to bed. In the same way, millions take birth every day. This is a process which will keep ongoing.
Currently, we are living in a world which is very stressful. People are running behind money, fame, power, etc and all of these have made them money earning machine rather than a happy human. They are living as if they got some guarantee certificate from god that you will live for so and so years.
Every morning when I go to work, I hardly see any happy face (I am one among them). Almost everybody looks sad at the very beginning of the day. All seems irritated and angry with life.
In this fast and hectic life, somewhere we have forgotten to live while being alive. Do you remember when was the last time you laughed so much that you started feeling pain in your stomach? Do you remember the time you had met your childhood friend for the last time? There are many questions which one needs to seek the answer within.
If you start thinking then you will realize how far you have come and how much life is left now. We are constantly living in fear. Fear of taking any step, fear of failure, fear of expressing our feelings, etc. In this process, slowly we forget to live and get adjusted to life the way it is until death knocks at our door.
To live fully, you should break all chains, do whatever you like and don’t keep any regrets in your heart.
It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.
Live your life in such a way that when these flashes come when you are on death bed, there should be a smile on your face, not gloomy face with regret feeling what you did to your life. Make memories worth living. Live fully.

Published by Rishikesh Kumar
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